Students and classrooms are typically well stocked on the first day of school. There are dozens of backpack giveaways and school supply drives throughout Genesee County to ensure kids get off to a great start. Unfortunately, by the time the second semester comes around crayons are broken, notebooks are full and pencils are worn to a nub. Many teachers pay for supplies out of their own pockets to provide high-quality instruction to their students.
To address this need, Dr. Alan Klein, advisor to the Sheppy Dog Fund and pediatric dentist in Grand Blanc, partnered with Communities First, Inc. to provide second semester school supplies to 14 classrooms in Flint and Grand Blanc. “I am happy to help provide children and their teachers with these supplies. It is difficult to prepare students for the future when they do not have the tools needed to be successful in school.” stated Dr. Klein.
Teachers at the schools were surveyed about classroom needs and supplies were purchased to stock the classrooms. Requests included: composition books, pencils, hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, erasers, crayons and art supplies. Some of the more ambitious teachers decided to think big, requesting flexible seating and iPads. Although every need could not be met, teachers were genuinely shocked by the generosity and thoughtfulness shown.
School supplies were delivered to K-2 classrooms on January 25. “We knew going into it that the teachers would show gratitude for this effort. What was unexpected was how excited the kids were to have simple supplies to enhance their learning experience. They literally screamed and jumped up and down when we showed up in their classrooms.”, said Glenn Wilson, President/CEO of Communities First, Inc.
Classrooms at Eisenhower Elementary, Durant-Tuuri-Mott Elementary, Doyle/Ryder Elementary in Flint and Cook Elementary, Brendel Elementary and Anderson Elementary in Grand Blanc were selected for this effort.